
MCC – Motor Control Center

BLUE engineering designs and manufactures MCCs with fixed drawers or extractable drawers. Thanks to the experience acquired we can offer you the ideal solution to guarantee maximum reliability for your system.

Our advanced control systems can allow you to divide the system in such a way as to ensure its functioning even in the event of fire, lack of part of the electricity supply or other similar faults.

Electrical Cabinets

BLUE engineering takes care of the design of its electrical panels in order to guarantee maximum safety and reliability, lasting over time. The choice of materials is made with extreme attention to the highest quality while combining the state of the art.

The components chosen during the design phases integrate perfectly to create a system at the highest levels of automation and process control.


As regards the automation of animal feeding systems, BLUE engineering offers customized solutions capable of satisfying every need, both according to the type of animal and based on the experience of the particular farm.


BLUE engineering offers an integrated solution for the management of Biogas plants that allows unattended operation. The Scada-HMI system that manages all phases of the process is integrated with a fully configurable system for sending SMS in the event of an alarm in the plant. In this way you can decide which alarms, based on their priority, you wish to receive at the configured mobile number.


BLUE engineering progetta e realizza impianti per la produzione di Biomassa ormai da un decennio con impianti funzionanti, oltre che in Italia, in vari paesi d’Europa quali Slovacchia, Romania, Croazia, Serbia, Spagna, Grecia e altri.

Nello specifico degli impianti “Pellet legno”, la gestione delle macchine che possono essere considerate il cuore della produzione, le presse cubettatrici, è garantita da un sistema studiato appositamente per garantire ed ottimizzare la produzione attraverso algoritmi messi appunto in vent’anni di studio, ricerca ed esperienza sul campo.

BLUE engineering fornisce soluzioni complete studiate in base alle necessità del cliente ed il sistema di controllo di processo gestisce tutte le fasi di lavorazione dalla ricezione delle materie prime fino al packaging ed alla spedizione del prodotto finito.